15 Weeds with Purple Flowers have their own charm; these beautiful plants can offer a stunning display when cared for properly.
Discover the list of the best 15 Weeds with Purple Flowers that help you identify them, so next time when you spot them, you won’t remove these plants but maintain them for pretty blooms.
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15 Weeds with Purple Flowers
1. Forget-Me-Nots

Botanical Name: Myosotis sylvatica
This weed with purple flowers displays purple to blue petals with a yellow center. It can be used in food decorations.
2. Spear Thistle

Botanical Name: Cirsium vulgare
This weed showcases purple or pink fuzzy blooms on spiny balls. These blooms and leaves can cure Cirrhosis, liver damage, and chronic hepatitis.
3. Purpletop Verbena

Botanical Name: Verbena bonariensis
This weed with purple flowers can be grown on the borders of your garden. It is considered a weed in parts of Australia.
4. Purple Dead Nettle

Botanical Name: Lamium purpureum
This weed with purple flowers also goes by the name Red Dead Nettle. The edible blooms and leaves have a sweet taste and provide medicinal benefits.
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5. Self Heal

Botanical Name: Prunella vulgaris
This small weed plant offers purple flowers with two leaves. The foliage and young stems are edible and can used in salads.
6. Dove’s-Foot Crane’s-Bill

Botanical Name: Geranium molle
This weed looks beautiful with round purple petals and hairy foliage. It tastes quite bitter even after cooking.
7. Henbit Deadnettle

Botanical Name: Lamium amplexicaule
Henbit Deadnettle resembles Purple Dead Nettle; it comes from the mint family. This weed tempts pollinators such as honeybees, bumblebees, and hummingbirds.
8. Sweet Violet

Botanical Name: Viola odorata
The purple flowers exhibit a cluster of five petals. Both leaves and blooms are edible and offer anti-inflammatory benefits.
9. Creeping Charlie

Botanical Name: Glechoma hederacea
Also known as Ground Ivy, this herbaceous plant produces purple flowers from spring to summer. These blooms and leaves are edible and used in cuisines.
10. Musk Thistle

Botanical Name: Carduus nutans
Musk Thistle or nodding thistle offers pink or purple flowers; the foliage is good for liver function. The edible fleshy stems give amazing flavor when peeled or boiled.
11. Violet Woodsorrel

Botanical Name: Oxalis violacea
Violet Woodsorrel shamrock-like plant displays purple blooms that can be eaten in moderate quantities. Do remember it can be toxic if consumed more than the prescribed amount.
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12. Spotted Knapweed

Botanical Name: Centaurea maculosa
This branching perennial shows off purple blooms that arise from black bracks. These edible flowers taste great in salads.
13. Canada Thistle

Botanical Name: Cirsium arvense
Also popular as Creeping Thistle, this weed has purple blossoms and spear-shaped foliage. It attracts bees, butterflies, and goldfinches.
It is believed that leaf tea of this plant can cure tuberculosis.
14. Ironweed

Botanical Name: Vernonia spp.
Ironweed displays tall stems carrying clusters of deep purple-tuft-like blooms. These fluffy flowers offer a stunning show.
15. Purple Loosestrife

Botanical Name: Lythrum salicaria
These common weeds with purple flowers can be seen in wetlands in mushy areas. It boasts star-like purple blossoms and lance-shaped leaves.