How to Grow Marigolds from Petals
Beyond Gardening

How to Grow Marigolds from Petals

Learn How to Grow Marigolds from Petals in easy, interesting steps, and enjoy an abundance of beautiful flowers in your garden.

Marigolds are a popular choice for gardeners due to their bright colors and easy-to-grow nature. You can also grow Marigolds from Petals and expand your Marigold collection easily.

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Marigolds Information

Tagetes is a genus of around 50 annual herb species from the Asteraceae family, commonly known as marigolds.

Marigolds have more to offer than just their attractive and aromatic flowers, which bloom in various hues of orange, yellow, maroon-red, bronze, and bi-color. These contrast with their fern-like foliage. Marigolds make excellent companion plants for herbs and vegetables as they can deter harmful nematodes and attract beneficial insects and pollinators.

marigold 1

They are considered perennials in warm climates, specifically USDA zones 9-11. However, they can still be grown as semi-hardy plants in colder regions. Their height can range from 6 inches to 6 feet, depending on the variety.

Also, they can be grown in all regions, either as a short-lived perennial or annual plant.

How to Grow Marigolds from Petals


Yes! It is possible to grow marigolds from the dried blooms; this process is like propagating marigolds from seeds in an indirect way. The flowers hold small seeds at the bottom of each petal; when you scatter them over the soil, the little marigold seeds also spread with the petals.


  • To grow marigolds from petals -collect some dry marigold flowers. Alternatively, you may cut off the flowers. Leave them to dry in the sun or a shaded area for about 3-4 days.
  • After the marigold flowers have become dry and have a papery texture, simply crush them.
  • Sprinkle the petals all over the growing medium (much like sprinkling salt on your favorite dish).
  • To complete the task, simply cover the crushed petals with a thin layer of fine soil, carefully keeping it very thin.

    Points to Consider

  1. For optimal propagation results and healthy plants, choose the most mature, largest, and healthy flowers.
  2. Before you begin to grow marigolds from petals, it is important to pre-moisten the growing medium.
  3. Instead of pouring water directly onto the pot, use a sprayer to mist the growing medium. This method will prevent the tiny seeds from being disturbed while still providing enough moisture for them to germinate.
  4. The flower petals will perform as compost and mulch, keeping the growing medium moist for quick seed germination.
  5. Additionally, as the petals break down, they will release nutrients that promote healthy seedling growth.

Marigold Germination and After Care

How to grow marigolds from petals 3

To grow marigolds from petals, simply wait for a few days after sprinkling petals onto the pot. If the soil temperature remains warm, typically around 60 F or 15 C and above, an abundance of marigold plants will sprout up within 1-2 weeks.

When the seedlings have grown to several inches tall, you can transplant the healthiest ones into individual pots. With proper care, these plants should be ready to bloom within 4-7 weeks.

  • Marigolds thrive in abundant sunlight, so providing them with as much sun as possible will enhance their growth and flower production.
  • If planting indoors, position the pot near a south or west-facing window.
  • Regularly inspect your marigold plant for aphids and spider mites.
  • Promote the growth of new flowers by deadheading the plant regularly.




Meet Shaz Holms, a passionate gardening enthusiast and Arizona arborist. With 15 years of experience, he not only owns a thriving nursery but has also penned numerous insightful articles on gardening. His green thumb and writing prowess combine to create bountiful content for all plant lovers.

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