Cedar Sage can be a colorful addition to shady borders, as a small ground cover or near paths with crimson blooms.
Grow Cedar Sage on your shaded beds and borders with the help of this article, and fill the space with crimson flowers and scented scalloped leaves.
USDA Zones: 7-11
Read: Salvia Divinorum Growing and Care Guide
Cedar Sage Information + Uses

Native to Texas, Cedar Sage or ‘Dwarf crimson-flowered sage’ (Salvia roemeriana) is a small perennial that features bright 2-3 inches long spikes of crimson red blooms across a long season. The fragrant leaves appear in a grassy green hue. It flowers abundantly in early spring for a few months, then occasionally over summer. The plant can reach up to 1-2 feet tall and wide.
The blossoms appear on a velvety rosette of round, toothed foliage. This plant is ideal for rocky, shaded locations. It is especially suitable for growing in the shade of cedars and junipers; that’s why the common name derives.
The pretty flowers of this plant are sweet and edible that are used in garnishing. These colorful blooms attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Also, it is an excellent fragrance to burn. The cedar wands offer purity, protection, wealth, prosperity, and cleansing.
Propagating Cedar Sage
It spreads through seeds; after flowering, take off the flower spikes and sprinkle seeds on the area you want them to grow.
You can propagate it by cuttings or seeds.
Ideal Growing Condition for Cedar Sage
It prefers partially shaded areas. However, too much shade can impact the growth of the plant, and intense light can burn the leaves.
This plant grows well in dry, well-draining, limestone-rich soil.
Once established, it becomes drought-resistant. In the first growing season, it will require additional watering.
Cedar Sage Care

It will not need fertilizer in clay or rich soils. This plant is a light feeder, you can add some compost in poor soil.
Pests and Diseases
Salvia roemeriana is pest and disease-resistant, though it attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. It is also deer-resistant.