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13 Best Gaillardia Companion Plants | Blanket Flower Companions

Check out the 13 Best Gaillardia Companion Plants and enhance the health and beauty of your garden with these pairings for Blanket Flower.

Choosing the right companion plants for your Gaillardia can encourage its beauty, deter pests, and attract beneficial insects to your garden. In this guide, we’ll explore the 13 Best Gaillardia Companion Plants and how they can help create a stunning and healthy garden.

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Companion Plants for Blanket Flower

Blanket flower (Gaillardia x Grandiflora) is a low-maintenance perennial; it produces brightly colored, daisy-like flowers. These plants slowly form a spreading mound, which may have contributed to its common name. They can expand gradually and cover a wide area. Typically, the plant reaches a height of 24 inches and a spread of 20 inches. Gaillardias are known for their fast growth rate.

It can be grown from seeds or purchased as starter plants from local nurseries. It’s crucial to select a well-draining spot that receives full sunlight to plant these flowers. While they can be grown alone, pairing them with other plants can enhance their aesthetic and attract more pollinators.

When selecting companions for blanket flowers, it’s important to consider factors such as annual versus perennial plants and similar growing conditions. Perennials are preferable as they require less maintenance and provide sustained growth. Additionally, selecting plants that thrive in the same soil conditions as blanket flowers, such as low fertility and drought tolerance, will be beneficial. This makes wildflowers a great option to grow alongside Gaillardias.

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Best Gaillardia Companion Plants

1. Yarrow

Yarrow prefers similar growing conditions to the gaillardia, making it a great companion to this flowering plant.

2. Daylilies

Daylilies can tolerate poor soils, making them ideal companion plants for gaillardia.

3. Coreopsis


Coreopsis (Tickseed) is an excellent companion plant for Gaillardia as both share similar growing conditions and bloom time, making them a perfect match. Additionally, the daisy-like flowers of tickseed provide a beautiful contrast to the bold, vibrant flowers of Gaillardia, resulting in a stunning display of color in any garden.

4. Shasta Daisies

Shasta daisies are also good Gaillardia Companion Plants; they also favor full sun to light shade and well-draining soil.

5. Lantana


Lantana grows well in a sunny area; it can also tolerate many soil conditions.

6. Coneflower

Coneflower is a great choice for you. It enjoys full sun and dislikes wet soil, similarly as blanket flowers do.

7. Bee Balm

Bee balm is also an ideal plant to grow next to the blanket flower as they both share the same growing conditions.

8. Salvia

One of the potential problems that blanket flowers may face is aster yellows disease. However, to reduce this issue, a practical approach is to grow plants that are less vulnerable to this problem. Salvia is an excellent choice to grow alongside gaillardia as it is relatively resistant to aster yellows.

9. Blazing Star

Blazing star is a great companion plant for gaillardia, as it shares similar growing conditions and adds visual interest with its tall, showy spikes of flowers.

10. Lavender

Lavender makes a great companion plant for Gaillardia due to its drought-tolerant nature and complementary color scheme. The fragrant blooms of lavender also attract beneficial insects to the garden.

11. Catmint

Catmint is a great companion plant for Gaillardia as it attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. Additionally, the soft blue-green foliage of catmint provides a beautiful contrast to the bright, bold flowers of Gaillardia.

12. Milkweed

Milkweed is a good Gaillardia companion plant as it attracts beneficial insects like bees and butterflies while also repelling harmful pests. Furthermore, the tall, structural nature of milkweed creates a dramatic backdrop for the low-growing, colorful flowers of Gaillardia.

13. Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses are a perfect companion plant for Gaillardia, as they provide a stunning contrast to the bright, bold colors of Gaillardia flowers. Additionally, the structural nature of grasses creates a sense of height and movement in the garden while also adding textural interest to the planting bed.


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