Houseplant Guide

Best Houseplants that Can be Propagated by Leaves

Here is a list of the Best Houseplants that Can be Propagated by Leaves; read about them and try your gardening skills in extending your indoor garden.

You have grown indoor plants from seeds, cuttings, and air-layering, but have you heard about Houseplants that Can be Propagated by Leaves? If not, then check out this post and grow these plants without spending money.

Best Houseplants that Can be Propagated by Leaves

1. Peperomia

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Botanical Name: Peperomia

For growing, peperomia from leaves take a mature leaf from the base of the stem. Use the whole leaf or cut it in two parts from the width. Dip the margins in the rooting hormone, make a small hole in the soil, and insert a leaf in the soil. Water gently and cover the top of the pot with a polythene bag. Keep the plant in bright, indirect light.

2. Snake Plant

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Botanical Name: Sanseveria trifasciata

This air-purifying houseplant can be easily propagated from leaves in soil and water. Just take a healthy leaf from an existing plant and chop it into 2-3 inches long pieces, allow the cuttings to be callous, and plant them in soil or water.

3. African Violets

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Botanical Name: Saintpaulia

You can multiply this beautiful plant by growing it from foliage. Take a fresh leaf from a healthy plant with a leaf stem attached to it and plant it in a mix of peat and vermiculite.

4. Rex Begonia

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Botanical Name: Begonia Rex

Rex begonia can be easily grown from leaf cuttings;

  • Just take a healthy leaf, turn it, and make a 1/2-inch cut on 5-6 large veins using a knife. New plantlets will form from these cuts.
  • Flip the leaf back and press it into the potting mix so the cuts come in contact with the soil; insert T-pins on the leaf to make it flat.
  • Do not put the pin on the main leaf vein.
  • Place a few stones on the leaf to avoid curling, cove the pot with a plastic bag or dome, make sure the plastic does not touch the leaf.
  • Keep the pot in a well humid area on an east-facing window or under fluorescent lights and water the soil once a week.

5. Bunny Ear Cactus

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Botanical Name: Opuntia microdasys

Cut the pad or ear with the help of a knife or tongs from the existing plant, allow it to dry for a few days, and callous over—Pot the leaf-cutting in a pot filled with cacti mix. Keep the container in a sunny area.

6. Succulents

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Succulent varieties like a jade plants, flowering kalanchoe, echeveria, sedum, and sempervivum can be propagated from leaves. To do this, gently take a leaf from a healthy mother plant, allow it to be callous, and plant it in well-draining soil.

Meet Shaz Holms, a passionate gardening enthusiast and Arizona arborist. With 15 years of experience, he not only owns a thriving nursery but has also penned numerous insightful articles on gardening. His green thumb and writing prowess combine to create bountiful content for all plant lovers.

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