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Growing a Jade Plant from Cuttings

Learn Growing a Jade Plant from Cuttings with the help of this step-by-step easy guide and multiply this beautiful succulent in your home.

Growing a Jade Plant from Cuttings is quite an easy and rewarding task. Follow the simple steps and have an indoor garden with a number of jade plants; you can also gift them to your friends as they are considered good luck charm in Feng Shui.

Read: Jade Plant Indoor Care

Best Jade Plant Varieties to Grow from Cuttings


Read: Elephant Bush vs. Jade Plant

When to Grow a Jade Plant from Cuttings


You can propagate a jade plant in the warm atmosphere, primarily in spring and summer. Cuttings prefer temperatures in a range between 60-85 F and dry air. Avoid propagation in winter months. However, if you are living in a warm climate (USDA Zones 9-11) or any hot or frost-free region, then you can grow a jade plant from cutting at any time of the year.

Read: Growing a Jade Plant into a Tree

How to Grow a Jade Plant from Cuttings?


Things You’ll Require


1. Select a Healthy Cutting

Cut a 4-6 inches long stem cutting below a leaf node. Remove the leaves at the bottom, leaving the top ones. Use clean pruning shears for this procedure. Keep the cuttings in a warm, shaded spot so they form callous. It will happen in 3-5 days.

2. Dip The Cut Ends in Rooting Hormone

After the cut ends are dried out, dip them in a rooting hormone to speed up the growth, though this step is optional.

3. Prepare the Soil

Prepare a well-draining soil mix by blending equal parts of perlite and sand. You can use succulent or cacti mix as well. Jade plants prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil.

4. Propagate the Cuttings

Create a small hole using a pencil or a finger in the soil and plant the cuttings. Gently press the soil.

5. Ideal Growing Conditions for Jade Plant Cuttings

Read: String of Stars Plant Care

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