Flowers and Foliage

Tips to Make a Christmas Cactus Bloom on Christmas

Follow the simple tricks and Tips to Make a Christmas Cactus Bloom on Christmas for a festive holiday display.

If you want your Christmas cactus to bloom on Christmas, you’re in the right place! With a few simple tips, you can ensure your cactus bursts with beautiful, colorful flowers just in time for the holiday season. Let’s explore Tips to Make a Christmas Cactus Bloom on Christmas.

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How to Make a Christmas Cactus Bloom at Christmas?

Make Christmas Cactus Bloom 1

1. Less Watering

In the weeks close to Christmas, reduce the frequency and amount of water you give your Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii).

Allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out between watering sessions—this reduction in watering signals to the plant that it’s time to prepare for its blooming phase. Excessively moist soil can impact the blooming process.

2. Provide 12 Hours of Darkness:

From late October to early November, create an environment with extended periods of darkness for your Christmas cactus. This mimics the shorter daylight hours that naturally occur in the late fall and early winter.
Place your cactus in a room or cover it with a light-blocking cloth or cardboard box during the evening and nighttime hours. The plant should receive 12 to 14 hours of darkness each night. Any exposure to artificial or natural light during this time can disrupt the blooming process. Do this for up to 6 weeks to encourage the flower bud production.

3. Cooler Temperatures:

To further stimulate blooming, keep your Christmas cactus in a cooler environment during the nighttime hours. Optimal temperatures for blooming are between 50°F and 55°F (10°C and 13°C).
If your home is consistently warm, you may need to move your cactus to a cooler room, such as a basement or garage, during the nights. Make sure that the daytime temperatures remain moderate and not excessively warm.

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4. Maintain Good Care:

Although you’re reducing water and providing darkness and cooler temperatures, it’s crucial to maintain the overall care of your Christmas cactus.

  • Make sure it receives bright, indirect light during the daytime, but don’t expose it to direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.
  • Wherever you decide to put your Christmas Cactus, don’t turn on any lights at night, not even briefly. Doing so would disrupt the required dark cycle and prevent the blooming process.
  • For your Christmas cactus to bloom effectively, it’s best to maintain a temperature range of 50-55°F. This might mean adjusting your heater settings or locating a cooler spot in the room.

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5. Keep Root Bound

Selecting a pot with proper drainage is crucial for the health of the Christmas cactus. It prevents root rot by allowing excess water to escape. Christmas cactus bloom when slightly root-bound, promoting more abundant and vibrant flowers.

When a Christmas cactus becomes a bit root-bound, it diverts its energy towards flower bud production. This often results in more abundant and vibrant blooms during the flowering season. The slight stress of being root-bound stimulates the plant to produce flowers as a survival mechanism, which is what you want to boost for a beautiful Christmas display.

Being root-bound reduces the need for frequent repotting, ensuring a stable environment and optimal water management.

7. Maintain Humidity

Maintaining moderate indoor humidity is vital for the health and blooming of Christmas cactus. These plants originate from humid environments, so replicating those conditions is key. Dry indoor air can stress the plant and hinder blooming.

To increase humidity, use methods like a humidity tray or a room humidifier, ensuring a more favorable environment for your Christmas cactus growth and beautiful blooms.

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8. Feed Right

Fertilization is necessary to make your Christmas cactus bloom profusely. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with an equal N-P-K ratio, such as 10-10-10, during the active growth season from late winter to early fall. Apply it every 4-6 weeks, following the instructions on the label.

However, in the dormant period in late fall and early winter, reduce or stop fertilizer to ensure the energy of the plant is directed towards flower development rather than excessive foliage growth.

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9. Pruning

Pruning is a key factor in inducing blooming in a Christmas cactus. By selectively cutting the tips of branches during the active growth phase of the plant, you promote new, more vigorous growth. This fresh growth is where the Christmas cactus is more likely to form flower buds. Pruning also helps to maintain a balanced and compact growth pattern, enhancing the overall appearance of the cactus.

The timing of pruning, typically after the blooming period of the plant in late winter or early spring, aligns with the natural growth cycle of the cactus and preparation to produce blooms.

10. Multiple Blooming

With the right care and conditions, the Christmas cactus can bloom multiple times a year, extending beyond the holiday season. After the initial holiday bloom, allow the plant to rest, adjusting watering and fertilization. Introduce temperature variations with cooler nights, maintain adequate light, and gradually resume regular care. This consistent approach and patience can encourage the cactus to produce multiple blooming cycles, offering a more frequent and vibrant display of flowers throughout the year.

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How to Care Flower on Christmas Cactus

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  • Christmas cactus plants need to be kept in a dark, cool environment for six to eight weeks or until you notice buds starting to form. When these buds have emerged, it typically takes around 12 weeks (sometimes less) for the beautiful blooms to show up. At this stage, consider moving the plant to a different location.
  • Relocate your Christmas cactus to a spot with ample, indirect sunlight. Nonetheless, be cautious about exposing it to direct sunlight, which can lead to the plant looking wilted.
  • It’s also wise to avoid drafty areas, as they can result in premature bud dropping before the blooming phase.
  • Providing your cactus with bright, filtered sunlight will encourage more vibrant blooming.
  • Additionally, it’s worth noting that Christmas cacti bloom more profusely when they’re somewhat pot-bound.
  • As your Christmas cactus enters its blooming phase, you may need to adjust the watering frequency. The precise amount of water will depend on factors such as the plant’s light exposure, prevailing temperatures, and the humidity level in its environment.
  • By providing your Christmas cactus with the right care in an appropriate environment, including the correct light and temperature conditions, you can induce it to bloom. This plant may even delight you by not only flowering but also occasionally producing blooms multiple times in a single year.


Meet Shaz Holms, a passionate gardening enthusiast and Arizona arborist. With 15 years of experience, he not only owns a thriving nursery but has also penned numerous insightful articles on gardening. His green thumb and writing prowess combine to create bountiful content for all plant lovers.

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