Learn how to get rid of Thrips on Monstera plants with easy tips to identify and prevent the little white specks like bugs.
If you have seen Thrips on Monstera, then surely it is a concerning situation. You can prevent these wingless bugs from your Monstera plant by following the given tips and tricks.
The Signs to Identify Thrip Infestation in Monstera Plant

1. Black spot on the foliage
Small dark brown or black spots can be seen when thrips are laying eggs into your plant’s foliage. If you spot tiny dots, look for the presence of insects.
2. Yellow or brown discoloration on leaves
If discoloration is clustering in the middle of the foliage instead of the margins despite light and watering being up to the mark, then it’s an insect problem.
3. Drooping, curling, or wilting of leaves
When thrips extract the sap from the leaves, it decreases pressure from the inside of the foliage and stem tissues that maintain the stiffness of the plant. It is a trip infestation if the foliage is wilting, flimsy, curling, or droopy.
Where Do Thrips Lay Eggs?
Thrips lay eggs in the soft tissues of the foliage to feed on the sap, which is a food source for them.
How to Prevent Thrips on Monstera Plants

1. Neem Oil
It is a conventional treatment for insect infestation on plants; dilute it before use as mentioned on the bottle, you can also add a bit of liquid soap. Spray the plant and allow it to dry, do this remedy in the morning or evening.
2. Homemade Insecticide
Make a DIY insecticide by mixing 1.5 teaspoons of mild liquid soap solution in a quart of water, and use it immediately. Also, do a patch test, and perform it in the morning or evening. Repeat the procedure every 4-7 days until the condition comes under control.
3. Use Blue, Yellow, or White Sticky Trap
Sticky traps are also a great option for preventing thrips; they get attracted toward yellow, white, and blue shades, so use these colors.
4. Lint Roller
Lint rollers are also an easy option to control thrips; just gently hold a Monstera leaf in your palm and run the lint roller on both sides.
5. Introduce Predators
Ladybugs enjoy eating thrips; if you purchase them online, set them to the monstera plants soil, and soon they will find thrips and get to work.
6. Removing Damaged Leaves by Pruning
If the thrip infestation in your monstera is serious, you can prune the affected foliage. This will also discard the eggs waiting to hatch, along with mature ones hanging on the leaves. Sterilize the shears or scissors before pruning with alcohol or soap and hot water. remember to wear gloves, as the sap can irritate the foliage.