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9 Benefits of Using Lemon Juice for Orchids

Discover the best 9 Benefits of Using Lemon Juice for Orchids and how to use it for flourishing blooms in your home.

Read about the amazing 8 Benefits of Using Lemon Juice for Orchids and how it works for boosting the growth of the plant and producing flowers.

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9 Benefits of Using Lemon Juice for Orchids

1. Wipe the Orchid Foliage with Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can also be used to clean the leaves of orchids. For this, mix lemon juice with water using a ratio of 1 part lemon juice to 5 parts water. Soak a sponge in this mixture and gently wipe the leaves to remove dust and dirt. If you notice that the leaves are getting very dirty and plain water isn’t enough to clean them, you can do this cleaning process every 3-4 months.

2. Water Orchids with Diluted Lemon Juice

Orchids prefer acidic conditions for their growth and nourishment, unlike plants that grow in colder regions. Adding lemon juice to the water when watering orchids can be very beneficial.

Here’s a simple way to water your orchid with a lemon juice solution:

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3. Preserve Cut Flowers Using Lemon Juice


Lemon juice can help preserve cut orchids for your vase. To make a preservation solution;

Pour this mixture into the vase, ensuring that it covers about one-third of the stem length. By using this solution, your cut orchid blooms can last for 3-4 weeks.

4. Control Pests

Lemon juice’s acidity can discourage pests and interrupt their eating and breeding habits.

NOTE: Before applying the spray to the whole plant, it’s essential to test it on a small area of the plant to ensure it doesn’t cause any harm.

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5. Balances pH Levels of the Soil Using Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can help if your soil is too alkaline by lowering its pH level. The amount of lemon juice needed depends on the current pH of the soil and the desired pH level.

6. Use Lemon Juice to Clean Pots

7. Get Rid of Bacterial and Fungal Problems

Lemon juice has natural properties that can fight against certain fungal and bacterial infections in orchids. To use it, dilute lemon juice with water and apply it to affected areas or as a preventive measure to lower the risk of infections.

However, it’s important to be cautious because some orchids may react negatively to acidic solutions. To check for any negative reactions, test a small part of the plant first and observe it carefully.

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8. Provide Supplemental Nutrients to Orchids


Lemons are a rich source of potassium, containing 138 mg per 100 grams, and vitamin C, with approximately 53 grams per 100 grams. These nutrients in lemon juice can greatly benefit orchids foliage and contribute to the overall nourishment and recovery of the entire plant.

9. Promote Growth Rate

A study conducted in China at the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers found that lemon juice has benefits for plant growth. It can help plants grow by promoting cell division and enhancing the activity of certain enzymes. Additionally, lemon juice aids in the quick transportation of essential nutrients to all parts of the plant.

To utilize these benefits, you can mix 2-3 milliliters of lemon juice with a liter of water. This mixture can be used to water orchids during their growth.

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