Whether you are a gardener or not, this exclusive list of Biggest and Tallest Flower Names in the World will surely astonish you.
Look at this list of the best Biggest, and Tallest Flower Names in the World and enhance your knowledge about the blooming world in this flower encyclopedia.
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Biggest and Tallest Flower Names in the World
1. Queen of the Andes (Puya raimondii)

Native to the high Andes of Bolivia and Peru, this flower can attain a height of up to 30 feet (9 meters). The flower spike can grow up to 15 feet (4.5 meters) long.
2. Talipot Palm (Corypha umbraculifera)

Talipot palm belongs to India and Sri Lanka; it flowers once in its lifetime of 30-80 years. The stalk carries thousands of small blooms and can grow up to 25 feet (7.6 meters) long.
3. Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum)

This biggest and tallest flower is also known as the ‘corpse flower’ because of the odor it emits. It can grow up to 10 feet (3 meters) tall.
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4. Stinking Corpse Lily (Rafflesia arnoldii)

Rafflesia arnoldii has the record of the largest individual flower in the world as it grows up to 3 feet (1 meter) in diameter. However, it is popular for its stinky odor, like rotting flesh.
5. Foxtail Agave

This tallest flower in the list can grow up to 14-24 feet long and display extremely beautiful flowers.
6. Tower of Jewels (Echium pininana)

Tower of Jewels is indigenous to the Canary Islands; the plant can reach up to 13 feet (4 meters) tall. You can notice spikes of deep maroon-violet or blue flowers on the plant.
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7. Century Plant (Agave Americana)

Interestingly, the plant grows up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall, and flower spikes can reach up to 25-30 feet (7.6-9 meters) long. Surprisingly, some blooms can shoot taller than that length.
8. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

The giant flowers can grow up to 30 feet tall and more than a foot in diameter; the head of the bloom contains 13-30 ray flowers and hundreds of disc flowers.