Beyond Gardening

Do Deer Eat Mums? Find Out | Are Mums Deer Resistant?

Do Deer Eat Mums? Find Out in this concise guide. Unveil the mystery and learn about deer’s diet habits regarding mums.

Mums, or chrysanthemums, are beautiful and popular flowering plants known for their vibrant colors and delightful appearance. However, many gardeners might wonder whether these lovely flowers attract the attention of deer, which could potentially lead to damage and frustration. In this article, you will find the answer to the question-Do Deer Eat Mums, and Are Mums Deer Resistant?

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Understanding Deer Eating Habits

Do Deer Eat Mums? Find Out 1

Deer are herbivores, meaning they primarily feed on plant-based materials. Their diet varies depending on the season and availability of food. During spring and summer, deer typically graze on tender green plants, leaves, and grasses. In fall, when other food sources become scarce, they may resort to browsing woody shrubs and tree foliage.

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Do Deer Eat Mums?

Do Deer Eat Mums? Find Out 2

Yes, deer are known to eat mums, especially in regions where these flowering plants are prevalent. Mums have tender leaves and beautiful, colorful flowers, which can entice deer as they seek out various plant materials to eat. During periods of limited food sources, deer may eat mums as an accessible and palatable food option.

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Are Mums Deer Resistant?

Do Deer Eat Mums? Find Out 3

Mums are not entirely deer-resistant. While they might not be a deer’s first choice, hungry deer may still eat them, especially during periods of food scarcity.

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Factors Influencing Deer’s Feeding Habits:

Do Deer Eat Mums? Find Out 4

  • Season: Deer are more likely to nibble on mums during certain seasons. In spring and summer, when other vegetation is abundant, deer might not be as interested in mums. However, during fall and winter, when food becomes scarce, deer may resort to consuming mums as an alternative food source.
  • Environment: The availability of natural food sources in the deer’s habitat plays a significant role in their dietary preferences. If the surrounding vegetation is scarce or not nutritious, deer might be more inclined to explore mums for sustenance.
  • Deer Population: The local deer population also influences their feeding habits. In areas with a high deer population, the chances of mums being consumed are greater as deer compete for available food sources.

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How to Keep Deer Away from Mums?

To safeguard your mums from hungry deer, consider implementing the following strategies:

1. Fencing

Install a sturdy fence around your garden to keep deer away from your precious mums. Deer can jump quite high, so ensure the fence is at least 8 feet tall to deter them effectively.

2. Deer-Resistant Plants

Surround your mums with other plants that deer tend to avoid, such as lavender, mint, rue, pennyroyal, rosemary, daffodils, or marigolds. This can help create a barrier and reduce the likelihood of deer grazing on your mums.

3. Repellents

There are various commercial deer repellents available that emit odors or taste unpleasant to deer. Apply these repellents to your mums following the manufacturer’s instructions.

4. Use Fox Urine

It may sound strange, but it really works! Sprinkle some fox urine scent around your garden, and the deer will think foxes are nearby.

5. Place Human Hair

You can try an old method to keep deer away. It’s said that deer don’t like the smell of human hair. Collect fallen hair from your brush and hang them in a bunch near the plants.

6. Grow Hot Peppers

Deer really dislike hot peppers’ taste and smell. Plant them close to mums, and your flowers will stay safe. For an even stronger effect, crush and sprinkle hot peppers near these flowers.

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7. Use Mothballs

Deer don’t like the smell of mothballs. You can use mothballs near plants or hang them on fences to keep deer away. Just be careful to keep them out of the reach of pets and children.

8. Motion-Activated Sprinklers

It’s not a permanent fix, but it works well to keep deer away from plants. Put the sprinkler near these plants for the best protection.

9. Keep a Dog

Get a pup! Dogs are happy to bark and scare away deer from your yard! They’ll help keep your property safe from those pesky animals!

10. Use Garlic

A simple kitchen ingredient can keep deer away from your garden. Crush garlic cloves and place them near mums to deter deer.

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Do Deer Eat Mums: Conclusion

While deer are known to eat mums, there are effective measures you can take to protect your beloved flowering plants. Understanding the factors that influence deer’s feeding habits and employing preventive strategies can help maintain the beauty and splendor of your mums in your garden.

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Meet Shaz Holms, a passionate gardening enthusiast and Arizona arborist. With 15 years of experience, he not only owns a thriving nursery but has also penned numerous insightful articles on gardening. His green thumb and writing prowess combine to create bountiful content for all plant lovers.

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