Houseplant Guide

Everything About Growing Alocasia Jacklyn

Alocasia Jacklyn has gained popularity as a houseplant due to its rarity. However, it is simple to care for in the appropriate conditions.

Alocasia Jacklyn is a beautiful houseplant with deep green leaves with attractive cuts. You can include it in your plant collection by following the simple care tips mentioned below.

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Alocasia Jacklyn Profile

Alocasia Jacklyn 1

Alocasia Jacklyn (Alocasia sulawesi sp.) is a recently found plant from the aroid family. It is believed to have originated in Indonesia and is speculated to have developed from the species Alocasia portei. This tropical plant is popular for its striking emerald leaves adorned with delicate, dark lines. The unique leaf structure, with its deep notches, resembles the majestic head of a male deer.

Propagating Alocasia Jacklyn

To propagate mature Alocasia Jacklyn plants, you can separate clumps of rhizomes. The ideal time for this process is during the spring or summer growing season. Follow these steps to divide Alocasia Jacklyn:

  • Carefully remove the plant from its pot and inspect the root ball. Take sections of the rhizome that have a few stems and roots.
  • Use clean blades or shears for trimming a healthy section of the rhizome with robust root and stem growth.
  • It is possible to divide a single plant into two or multiple plants; each portion of the rhizome must have both roots and a few stems.
  • Fill the pots with fresh potting mix. Plant rhizomes in the pots.
  • Keep the divisions in a warm and humid location with medium to bright indirect light.
  • Boost the humidity by using a humidifier nearby or covering the plants with a clear plastic bag.
  • The recovery period for the new plants after propagation can range from one to two months.
  • Look for new leaf growth as an indication that the cuttings have successfully rooted.

Ideal Indoors Growing Conditions for Alocasia Jacklyn


Place your Alocasia Jacklyn in an area that receives medium to bright indirect light. Keep away the plant from direct sunlight, as it can cause leaf burn.

An ideal location would be an east-facing window with gentle morning light or a spot set a few feet away from a south or west-facing window.


Pot your Alocasia Jacklyn in a well-draining soil mixture that retains moisture. You have the option of purchasing a pre-made aroid blend or creating your own.

Combine one part of the potting mix with five parts of amendments, such as vermiculite, perlite, coarse sand, or orchid bark. This will ensure proper aeration and water drainage for the plant.


The frequency of watering your Alocasia Jacklyn will vary based on the time of year and the conditions in your surroundings. In the growing season, your plant will require more frequent watering compared to the winter, when its growth slows down. Before watering the plant, always check the soil moisture with your fingers.

Water only when the top few inches of soil have dried out to prevent root rot.

Temperature and Humidity

Alocasia Jacklyn prefers warm conditions with high humidity, which reflects its tropical nature. The ideal temperature range for this plant is between 65 and 85 F. Temperatures below 60 F can restrict growth. If you have placed the plant outdoors during the summer, bring it inside when temperatures drop to 60 degrees or lower.

It favors a humidity level of 60% or higher, which contributes to larger leaves with improved coloration.

Read: Alocasia Wentii Care

Alocasia Jacklyn Care Indoors


During the spring and summer,  feed your Alocasia Jacklyn once a month. Apply a balanced organic houseplant fertilizer and dilute it to half-strength. Remember to fertilize after watering to prevent any potential damage to delicate roots.

It is advisable to refrain from fertilizing during the fall and winter when the plant enters its dormant phase.


While regular pruning is not necessary for Alocasia Jacklyn, it can be favorable to remove yellow or dying leaves for a cleaner appearance. Trim back dying leaves at the base of the petiole, allowing the plant to redirect its energy towards healthy growth.


It’s advisable to repot your Alocasia Jacklyn when it starts to outgrow its current pot or after a period of two to three years, depending on which comes first.

Pests and Diseases

Alocasia Jacklyn is susceptible to pests such as scale, mealybugs, and spider mites. Regularly inspect the leaves and petioles for any signs of pest infestation, and carefully remove any pests you find by dabbing them with a cotton ball or swab soaked in rubbing alcohol.

It’s important to avoid applying the alcohol directly to the plant, as it may cause damage. To prevent the return of pests, consider treating the plant with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

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According to ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), Alocasia Jacklyn is toxic to pets. It contains Insoluble calcium oxalates, which can cause vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and oral irritation.


Meet Shaz Holms, a passionate gardening enthusiast and Arizona arborist. With 15 years of experience, he not only owns a thriving nursery but has also penned numerous insightful articles on gardening. His green thumb and writing prowess combine to create bountiful content for all plant lovers.

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